Alex Mohajer
Candidate for California State Senate, District 37
Party: Democrat
Previous Positions Held:
- Civil Service Advocate for the County of Los Angeles
- President of Stonewall Democrats
- Award-winning Journalist
- Hillary for America campaign digital branch
- Irvine Valley College, A.A. 2005
- University of California, Berkeley, B.A. 2007
- Chapman University School of Law, J.D. 2011
- Excellence in Journalism Award for Excellence in Feature Writing from the National Association of LGBTQ Journalists for his reporting on the 1979 Women’s Uprising, 2018
- Truman Award from the Democratic Party for his leadership in the National Vote-at-Home Initiative, 2020
- One of the 50 Most Inspirational LGBTQ+ Voices in the Nation from Queerty, 2023
Interesting Facts: If elected, Alex will make history as the only Iranian American in the state legislature, the first openly gay legislator elected from Orange County, and one of the first openly gay Iranians elected globally.